Cal State LA remains committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff, regardless of their immigration status. We will take every measure possible to protect our community.

Immediate Response to Immigration Officers on Campus

If you are approached by an immigration officer, or you become aware that immigration enforcement activity is occurring or about to occur on campus, please notify the Cal State LA designees immediately. 

Use the link below if you are approached by an Immigration Officer requesting information, documents, or access about someone other than yourself. 

In case of an emergency, call the Cal State LA Department of Public Safety at 9-1-1.

Immigration Campus Reporting

Cal State LA Designees

Please refer any student or employee with concerns about immigration orders or inquiries to the designated contacts listed below.

The Cal State LA Designees listed here are responsible for meeting with the federal immigration officers as well as reviewing and verifying any order/subpoena/warrant presented.

  • Blanca Martinez- Navarro, AVP Student Affairs & Enrollment Management and Dean of Students, [email protected] or 323-343-3103.
  • Victor M. Rojas, Jr., Chief of Staff, Office of the President, [email protected] or 323-343-3030.

Know Your Rights

If you are approached, you are not required to answer questions and have the right to remain silent.

Stay Informed

Please consider the following on and off-campus resources:

Dreamer sashes in a row

Erika J. Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center

The Erika J. Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center supports undocumented students through a number of programs and services aimed at ensuring their academic, emotional, and personal well-being.